The All-Ireland Business Foundation has recognised Kieron Kent

A thought leader is an informed opinion leader and the go-to person in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas; turn ideas into reality, and know and show how to replicate their success.

All Ireland Business Foundation Thought Leader Accreditation

This is an independently verified standard mark for indigenous businesses, based on rigorous selection criteria. The Accreditation is overseen by the prestigious All-Ireland Business Foundation, whose adjudication panel is chaired by Dr Briga Hynes of the Kemmy Business School at the University of Limerick and Kieran Ring, CEO of the Global Institute of Logistics.

Click Here to read the full All Ireland Business Foundation Article  

Kieron commented:

I see the All-Ireland Business Foundation’s Thought Leader Accreditation as an external validation and recognition of what I have focused on my entire career, with anyone I have worked with, and for my clients. That being, the development of long-term sustainable and profitable relationships that provide a solution to a challenge.

My career has spanned 3 distinct, yet overlapping areas i.e. business development, data and business process outsourcing. It is extremely important to me that I use this Accreditation as a stepping stone to simplify, provoke, stimulate and focus discussion on the basic principles of sales and selling. This type of discussion will strengthen business development as a profession and focus on achievement at a crucial time.

How is email selling working for you?

Interim Selling Solutions

Salespeople and sales directors and managers, AKA sales leaders, by the way, I really dislike this term as very few of them I have ever met actually are leaders, most of them couldn’t run a bath; digressing for a moment, I have often found there is an inverse relationship between those who use this terminology and their effectiveness i.e. up there with “all the gear no idea” Anyway, back to the point, sales leaders are being sold on the idea that “automation” and tech will improve closing and revenue results.

Email Marketing

Most of the email tools start with a promise that they will be easy to use, friction-free, time-shifting and most incorrectly offer the right medium for sales conversations. They offer a world where sales (AKA deals – apply your own jargon here) can be sold and won without face-to-face meetings and phone calls.

Email marketing largely does not work. There, I have said it. Waits for massive disagreement to begin. 

Controlling the process calling selling to people requires you to, you have guessed it, talk to people about the real next steps necessary for producing the results they want and need. How radical is that?

Meeting other humans

All of us have to request these events called meetings and to do that you need to be an assertive ambassador.

The assertive bit means persistently and energetically arguing that you want the opportunity to show what you offer will solve the clients problem. Obviously qualified properly throughout this. 

The ambassador bit means having that conversation in a way that doesn’t increase the resistance on your dream prospect’s part and instead, reducing it to the point you gain agreement to the next meeting.

If your prospect isn’t going to agree to meet you, why would you believe they are going to buy from you?

If your prospect won’t commit to going through the process you and they know is ultimately necessary, what makes you believe they are going to sign a contract and start sending you money?

Try doing that on social or by email? You wont. Beat that with a stick.