25 Jun 2021

Linkedin Cheat Sheets and Tips

Linkedin Cheat Sheets and Tips

These slides are tips, tricks and things you need to do everyday to keep your LinkedIn profile up to date and searchable to your audience. [caption id="attachment_904" align="alignnone" width="300"] Linkedin Cheat Sheet – Profile Tips[/caption]

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21 Jun 2021

8 Overrated Business Principles You Shouldn’t Always Follow

8 Overrated Business Principles You Shouldn’t Always Follow

Follow your passion. Always be hustling. Don't be afraid to take risks. Every new and aspiring entrepreneur has likely heard common pieces of business advice like this repeated over and over again. The problem is that these types of tips...

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18 Jun 2021

42 Practical Ways to Start Working on Self-Improvement

42 Practical Ways to Start Working on Self-Improvement

I came across this brilliant article some time ago on Life Hack Celestine Chua writes "...Are you someone who likes to grow? Do you constantly seek self-improvement through any means necessary? There is always something about ourselves we can improve...

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17 Jun 2021

Sales Props Do we rely on them too much?

Sales Props Do we rely on them too much?

The more talented and focused somebody is, the less they need the "props". Abraham Lincoln wrote The Gettysburg Address on a piece of ordinary stationery that he had borrowed from the friend while staying in his house. James Joyce wrote...

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17 Jun 2021

What We Can Learn from Bonmarché’s Collapse>

What We Can Learn from Bonmarché’s Collapse>

The fall of clothing retailer Bonmarché shows how bad debt can ripple through supply chains. Financial monitoring allows suppliers to spot high-risk clients and take precautions.

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17 Jun 2021

Questioning Techniques – Free Download

Questioning Techniques – Free Download

You are welcome to download this free. It outlines some questioning techniques you can use on a sales call.  Interim Selling Solutions Questioning techniques Module

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16 Jun 2021

If You Say These 5 Phrases Often, You’re a Better Leader Than You Think

If You Say These 5 Phrases Often, You’re a Better Leader Than You Think

Your ability to  effectively communicate  with your employees is key to success as a leader . But to motivate and inspire people with words takes a very human approach in the way you speak to them. For example, do you  compliment your workers...

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15 Jun 2021

Identifying Three Sales Process Bottlenecks and the Tactics to Drive Improved Performance

Identifying Three Sales Process Bottlenecks and the Tactics to Drive Improved Performance

Improving the performance of a sales team, or a specific seller on the team, is a top focus for any sales leader. Often, we hear sales managers say they just need more activity or need to add more into pending,...

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14 Jun 2021

An all too common sales year time planner

An all too common sales year time planner

Do any of you recognise this......we all get the same amount of time allocated to us. You have

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11 Jun 2021

The All-Ireland Business Foundation has recognised Kieron Kent

The All-Ireland Business Foundation has recognised Kieron Kent

A thought leader is an informed opinion leader and the go-to person in their field of expertise. They are trusted sources who move and inspire people with innovative ideas; turn ideas into reality, and know and show how to replicate...

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11 Jun 2021

How is email selling working for you?

How is email selling working for you?

Salespeople and sales directors and managers, AKA sales leaders, by the way, I really dislike this term as very few of them I have ever met actually are leaders, most of them couldn’t run a bath; digressing for a moment,...

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08 Jun 2021

Thoughts on how to build your sales pipeline now

Thoughts on how to build your sales pipeline now

Here are some areas for you to think about on how to improve your sales pipeline and revenue opportunities during this time. 1.     Reach Out to Old Clients Many salespeople overlook a very important segment of prospects when rolling out their...

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23 May 2020

Interesting Perspective on Cold Calling

Interesting Perspective on Cold Calling

I came across this article on Linkedin I found it to be enlightening and highlighted tips and key areas so you can be successful when making telesales and appointment setting calls. Mathew Cowan's Linkedin Article on Cold Calling

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15 Apr 2020

The Keys to Excellence from an Interim’s Perspective

The Keys to Excellence from an Interim’s Perspective

I came across this brilliant article on Linkedin by Derek McCracken and thought it summarised key areas of what we do very well. ".......Whether it involves taking charge of a company or joining a senior team for a specific period, I...

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Recent Posts

At this stage of the call you need to encourage your customer to talk by asking questions. There are several reasons for this:
• To build a rapport with the customer
• To identify needs, wants and objectives
• To identify any problems that we can provide a solution for
• To make your customer feel we are interested in them and their business
• To lead the conversation to a point where you can start selling
• To get “buy in” from your customer

Improving the performance of a sales team, or a specific seller on the team, is a top focus for any sales leader. Often, we hear sales managers say they just need more activity or need to add more into pending, but the answer is rarely that simple. Source: Identifying Three Sales Process Bottlenecks and the …

Do any of you recognise this……we all get the same amount of time allocated to us. You have